Posts Tagged ‘online shopping’

Are They Really Dogs?, Men are dogs

Hi 🙂   Guess who’s back? The Nkataa Club! And we’re back with a bang *boom* (maybe just for the ladies today) Now back to the question: Are They Really Dogs? Wondering what exactly I’m talking about? Well, keep reading and you’ll find out. The ladies would definitely love this, but the guys? Hmm not so sure. Keep calm your moment of gentleman glory is just lurking around the corner.

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Welcome to the Club

Hi there! 😀 Welcome to the Club. We are excited to launch our blog to better interact with you. Our blog is here to make it easier for you to access more information about us, our brands, and our processes. You can also get a sneak peek of what happens behind the scenes at Nkataa and get to network with other customers,as well as vendors. Our blog will cover a wide range of topics to ensure everyone finds an article they can relate to or learn from. You can look forward to seeing general health and lifestyle tips, recipes for different Nigerian and foreign dishes…

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