Zodiac Signs – Month for Capricorn

First of all happy belated birthday Gift!

Zodiac signs are really interesting, even though not all descriptions are true. it’s however always scary for me whenever I wonder how at least 80% of the descriptions are true. I have been doing a lot of study on every member of my team because I think getting the best out of people requires understanding them to a certain degree. I honestly still believe that establishing a relationship with an individual gives the most accurate assessment of ones person or character but it is just fun to read people off a book. lol.

Gift is the only member of my team who is a Capricorn.


Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers


Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst

Capricorn likes

Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship

Capricorn dislikes 

Almost everything at some point!

She’s a really sweet girl who really fits almost perfectly to these descriptions but she doesn’t “know it all” and we have not yet had a chance to need her forgiveness lol maybe we should offend her? lol– 

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