Browsing Category Lifestyle

How Saves Marriages


I have had the privilege of getting to know our customers personally. One adorable couple that have gone from customers to friends is Abu and Aisha. I met them at a fair that Nkataa participated in.. I was next to our stand when I saw this young looking married couple who looked so in love! So fresh, so clean, I could feel some goose bumps from the amount of love their presence emitted. I really wanted to be the first to talk to them. I wanted to ask, “What’s the secret of your marriage? Because I want to know.…

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Olive oil is really no stranger in today’s cosmetics industry, considering it’s a staple ingredient in many skin and hair care products on the market- ranging from body moisturisers to serums, eye creams, shampoos, lip balms, and many more. It’s easily accessible, relatively affordable, and is amazing when used on its own too as it is when added to products. It’s just one of those things that I never run out of, it’s always there, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom, just in case.  It is quite rich in naturally occurring vitamins like vitamins A, E and K, as well…

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Do you know that up to 15% of issues relating to weight are associated with certain medications? It’s not one of those things that frequently come to mind when you are taking your regular tablets I know but here are some of the most famous culprits:   ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Generally speaking, a majority of antidepressant medications have weight gain as a “possible” side effect. But to be honest, as different as we all are, our bodies respond differently to different medications. In other words, a certain antidepressant can cause Simbi to gain weight but not do the same with Titi. Having said that,…

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Worker Of The Year 2015

I think this was one of the most difficult decisions that I had to make in 2015. How do I decide? Should it be the earliest person at work or one whose work requires the most physical efforts? Or one who may not necessary be the first at work but may have been thinking about a million and one ideas on their way to work and the moment they get to work, ideas flow for the team to run with? Or maybe the one who is just the most consistent It was really difficult for me to select from a…

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Zodiac Signs – Month for Capricorn

First of all happy belated birthday Gift! Zodiac signs are really interesting, even though not all descriptions are true. it’s however always scary for me whenever I wonder how at least 80% of the descriptions are true. I have been doing a lot of study on every member of my team because I think getting the best out of people requires understanding them to a certain degree. I honestly still believe that establishing a relationship with an individual gives the most accurate assessment of ones person or character but it is just fun to read people off a book. lol.…

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Greetings Tribe! Let’s talk carbs! Yay! See the thing is, although carbs are your body’s main energy source, like everything else, too much of it can do more harm than good! Here are some of the consequences of eating carbs, excessively, daily, multiple times a day, at night, when nobody is watching:   UNWANTED WEIGHT GAIN: Eating carbs every day will inevitably result in you exceeding your recommended daily calorie intake, hence unwanted weight gain especially in places that you don’t want. The recommended daily calorie intake for us as adults is 2,500 Kcal (10,500 kJ) for men and 2,000 Kcal (8,500…

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